Favorite Blog Posts of 2022

Source: Unsplash.com

Yesterday I did a compilation of the biggest marketing moments of 2022, in celebration of our marketing craft and all the great work we do as an industry. It’s one of my favorite year-end things. Think of it as inspiration to start the year anew!

Today, I’d like to do a similar count down of my favorite blog posts from 2022. I’ve been blogging since blogging was blogging … it’s a labor of love. So I’d like to feature my loves from last year that I loved the most.

10. Why I Wrote The “Other Book” … a sad reminder of why we have to constantly keep telling our story.

9. Betty White in Advertising … we lost one of the original brand spokespeople.

8. Birkenstock “Ugly for a Reason” … love it when a brand owns it.

7. Conscious Decision Making for NYU … a guest blog post I wrote for the place where I teach.

6. Wilson T2000 … one of the best gifts I ever received, with so much love.

5. Hydrate the Mind … the importance of staying hydrated, in all aspects.

4. Hope is a Practice … words to live by.

3. Find Joy and Fight … as inspired by an Oscar acceptance speech.

2. Go Daddy Customer Service … a benchmark, created.

And the number 1. Ketchum Thank You … I started a new job this year, with much gratitude for finding home.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy and safe new year … be kind.

What’s your experience? JIM