And the 2023 Emmy for Best Commercial Goes To ...

… No one yet!

Yes indeed the 2023 Emmy Awards have been postponed to 2024 due to the strike. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy all the work in the meantime.

Did you know that there is an award for best commercial (aka advertising)?!?

Click here for the 2023 nominations.

Lots of these debuted at the Super Bowl at the beginning of the year (as many do!), and also won awards at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in June. Feeling familiar at this point!

Lots of good stuff here. Honestly, I’m not going to predict a winner but I do want to highlight one of my personal favorites, partly because it’s from an unexpected brand. SquareSpace, the very same digital platform that my own website and this blog is created on. So it’s got some personal relevance for me as the brand has become a big part of my life. Daily, actually.

“It’s the singularity.”

The website that makes websites. Love how the brand really brings out the focus of their business. Over and over again, focus. The brand even created a “website” for the campaign to help people, you guessed it, make a website. The closed loop!

And this video is actually just one piece of the overarching campaign, also posted on that very same

Emmy worthy? Not sure … that we will have to wait to find out. In January, pay no attention to the actual year! Just another example of how the entertainment industry is going to get stacked up based on the extended timing of the strike. Feeling for you all.

What’s your experience? JIM