Heinz Pickle Ketchup

Source: Heinz

Earlier this week, I wrote about how brand Heinz is quite prolific this year. And here’s yet another example.

I believe back in May or so, the brand launched Heinz Pickle Ketchup, essentially ketchup with pickle flavoring added to it to capture a consumer desire for the combined flavors. Makes sense, probably delicious on burgers and/or hotdogs where consumers do add pickles atop said meats. While I have not tried it, I’m betting it’s quite the flavor profile.

Well evidently in The Netherlands, the brand discovered that many consumers take the pickles off of their burgers not so much because of the taste but because of the texture. Hmmm. Great taste profile but an undesireable mouth feel. Again, enter said product introduction of Heinz Pickle Ketchup. Perfection.

To stimulate awareness and trial, the brand created a “human” vending machine (pictured above) where people could trade in the pickles they pulled off of their burgers for a bottle of new Heinz Pickle Ketchup.

Clever. Interactive. Trial-Inducing.

Source: Heinz

What I love about the work I’m seeing from Heinz this year is exactly how interactive it truly is. Pulling people in. Getting their involvement. Making them a part of the part. It’s iconic. Perhaps can only be done by an iconic brand.

Can you get that kind of interactivity with your brand? What’s your experience? JIM

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