Haagen-Dazs Honey Bees

Happy 50th Birthday to Haagen-Dazs today, the world's first super premium ice cream. To celebrate, the brand is giving away free scoops of ice cream between the hours of 4:00pm and 8:00pm at their scoop shops. Go enjoy.

But while you are at it, pay particular attention to the brand's cause marketing because it's pretty unique and very near and dear to the brand's heart. You may not realize that honey bee populations are disappearing at an alarming rate. Many environmentalists say that it's an early sign of the impact of global warming, and that the honey bees are the first to suffer from it.

You may also not realize that honey bees pollinate one-third of the world's food supply, so losing them has devastating consequences for all of us. Not so good for the brand either since so many of ice cream's ingredients are honey bee dependent.

So Haagen-Dazs is stepping in to help the honey bee. The brand has created an entire foundation complete with a board of directors (bee board) and research partners to tackle the problem, and they have also created ways for consumers to contribute as well. You can learn all about it on the website helpthehoneybees.com. They are building bee colonies and doing everything they can to encourage proper honey bee conditions.

When you really dig in, it's a very cool initiative and one that their employees have really embraced. Right now I'd like to embrace a cup of mint chocolate chunk!

What's your experience? Jim