My Book Is Out!

A year and a half in the writing, and an entire career in the making, my new book is finally out.

The Experience Effect!

It's a marketing book about creating brand experiences, with an emphasis on keeping consistency in every part of the marketing plan.

I've had this book in my head, writing it over and over again, for years. I just could never seem to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Two summers ago, though, I took my son JP to lacrosse camp at Cornell (my alma mater) for a week. I stayed up on campus for an extra night, just to spend some time and to make sure that he was ok. Maybe it was the university setting or the nostalgia of remembering all the things that I planned to do with my life, I'm not sure. But I literally said to myself that when I get home I am going to write that darn book.

So I put together the proposal and sent it off to six publishers. Two of them took a bite, and I decided to work with the publishing division of the American Management Association.

Now it's May 2010, and a million edits later, the book is available online and at retail. Holy Cow, I am a writer! Feels really good, to tell you the truth.

The irony of it all? Next month is my 25th Reunion at Cornell and I will be there ... doing a book signing at the campus book store.

Learn more about my book at, if you'd like.

What's your experience? Jim