I Bought a Pair of Levi's

Maybe it's the economy or maybe I'm just getting older, but I looked in my closet the other day and had a realization. I have too many funky pairs of jeans. Stitching on the seams, tattoos on the pockets, stripes down the sides ... it's ridiculous. Not too mention what I paid for some of them!

I just want a plain ole' pair of jeans. Nothing fancy, just those great fitting jeans like I used to wear in high school. So what's a boy to do?

I turned to the classic American brand, Levi's. There's a Levi's store right near me in Manhattan so I gave it a whirl. I haven't seen a Levi's ad in years, so I wasn't sure if the brand had kept up. But I at least knew I'd find a basic pair of jeans.

I was quite shocked. Levi's has it going on! I had thought the brand was half dead and that I was just being nostalgic. The place was bustling and filled with merchandise. Cool merchandise. They of course had every flavor under the sun from pre-washed to raw denim to button fly to whiskers. But I just wanted a simple pair of jeans! But that's ok, they have them!

The service was incredible! Told the guy what I wanted and in two seconds flat he had the perfect pair exactly in my size. He told me how they would first shrink a little, and then stretch out ... so I should buy them a little tight (hadn't heard that in years!).

The entire experience was wonderful. I even got an extra pair that was on sale for $19.

Levi's, founded in 1850, is still alive and well, offering consumers a relevant brand experience but staying very true to who they are. I'm sold.

What's your experience? Jim.