
When it comes to marketing, some things are just better left alone.

Like the awesome Movember. Such a granular, "authentic" movement that had very humble beginnings and then totally took off. Men growing facial hair to grow awareness for testicular cancer, all during the month of November.

And like Santacon. People dressing up in Santa costumes to get together and have fun.  Nothing more pure than that.

And now along comes Defember. #fail.

Olay (Oil of Olay as many of us know it) is encouraging women to get rid of their facial "fuzz" (their words) during the month of December. Hence Defember.  "Defuzz for good," as the brand says.

OMG.  Give me a break.  Why can't the guys just have Movember?  Why does anyone need to step into that territory?  It's so awesome and genuine.

Ok, so each Facebook "like" contributes to breast cancer research. Nice, but a yawn.  Let's make women feel really bad about themselves - facial hair and breast cancer.  Sounds like an SNL skit.

But of course it coincides with the launch of a facial hair removal product.  Is this a joke that I just don't get?  Or a bad step and repeat?  Or just poor judgment?

Am I missing something?  What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President of Lippe Taylor
Author of The Experience Effect
Professor at NYU