White Space

This is a follow up blog post to yesterday's "review" of the advertising reality show The Pitch.  Although I'm a big fan of the industry (obviously), I've not been a huge fan of the show (sorry).

But I was definitely impressed by a real life advertising campaign that ran the other night from one of the participating agencies.  A bit of a surprise and a great example of an agency taking advantage of their moment in the sun ... and tackling an industry wide issue as a true leader.

The spot is from Muse, a multi-cultural agency located in California, and it tackles the notion that our industry doesn't have the diversity of talent, shall we say, that we could have.  It's a little harsh, but it makes the point very clearly ... something that is apparently very near and dear to the agency's heart.  Something that all great advertising should do/be.  Bravo!

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe North America
Author, The Experience Effect series
Professor, NYU