Friday, Saturday, Monday

The holiday shopping season has officially begun, as witnessed by our inboxes, social media outlets, and of course our favorite television shows.  It's been a full-on assault of our shopping senses ... all aimed to get our dollar quicker ... before we spend it somewhere else.

Remember when nothing went on sale until AFTER Christmas?

This month is the marketer's marathon ... many businesses make it or break it in the next few weeks, so it's no wonder that machines are on full blast.

So let's talk about Black Friday ... a holiday in and of itself.  I have to admit that I did not participate this year.  Although it's fun to get swept up in the fury, it's gotten to be too much.  I'd rather visit my favorite retailers when they are "themselves," not when they are hyped up into a frenzy and packed up and down every aisle.

Saturday was Small Business Saturday ... which I enthusiastically participated in, for sure.  I went to quite a few boutiques, actually, and supported entrepreneurialism at its finest.  It felt fun being out although it didn't feel as much like a "movement" as Black Friday.

And then of course we have Cyber Monday.  I too participated in this shopping event, not so much because of the sales, but more because it was just on my mind.  I didn't do as much as on Small Business Saturday, but I contributed to the economy and shortened my holiday gift list.

Where do I net out on all of this?  It's wonderful that we've turned shopping into a sport, and I love to see how the retailers all get into it.  It's become a part of pop culture, and I embrace it.  On my terms, just like every other consumer.

How did you "celebrate" ... What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU