Glee - The Movie

Full disclosure here ... I'm a big fan of the tv show Glee.  Big fan.  So I'm not sure why I have not engaged with the concert movie until now (which has been out for a LONG time).  I guess it's because everyone told me, "it's just a concert," and I figured that would be boring.  It's the story line mixed with the music that I love so much about the tv show, so why just watch a concert?

Well I finally got a chance to watch the movie over the holiday weekend.  Yes, it was definitely a concert movie, no doubt about that.  And there was not a lick of a scripted plot to be seen.  So my peeps were right about that.

But no one told me about the real life fans that were profiled, and how each of them got to tell their story, and how we got to see them in the audience throughout the show.

It's not so much that their stories were all that dramatic, although to some extent they were.  It was more about the message that they were sending that really got me.  And suddenly made me realize the point of the whole show.


One of the fans captured it the best:  "I know I'm different.  I just didn't realize that everyone else is different too."  I particularly liked the one "number" where each of the characters in concert had a t-shirt on that captured what made them different.


What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU