Lip Syncing My Blog Posts

All of this hoopla about Beyonce potentially, allegedly, possibly lip syncing the National Anthem has my mind spinning.  We don't know what really happened, yet the national debate rages on about whether it matters or not.

It matters.

Sure, we've got bigger fish to fry, that's for sure.  Which is why I am sure that Obama has not commented.

We are talking authenticity here. 

Now I don't necessarily want to spark more debate here, but I will say that it got me thinking about my life, my job, my books, and my blog.

What if I lip synced all of those things?  What if I didn't really write my books or my blog posts?  How would that make me feel ... how would that make you feel?

Now I realize that many people use ghost writers for such things, and that's totally cool for them.  They have to manage their own priorities and their own brands.

But for me, my blog is my voice.  I can't imagine lip syncing that.  It's my point of view, my perspective, my thoughts, and ultimately my words.  It's me.

Do I have people contribute with thoughts, ideas, comments, edits, and sometimes guest posts?  Absolutely.  But it's still ultimately my work and my voice.  It's me.

Can't imagine lip syncing through that.

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU