Mug Cake

It's the latest DIY sensation in the kitchen, and right in sync with food trends of indulgent single servings and controlled calorie counts.

The Mug Cake. 

It's a cake that you bake in a mug ... just your little own private Idaho, or in this case private Betty Crocker.  You mix it in, stick it in the microwave, and out pops a tasty cake (no pun intended) sized just for you.

Back in the Fall, it was making the PR rounds of all the morning shows and cooking shows, like it was the latest food craze since, well, the cupcake ... or the chocolate chip cookie ... or the brownie.

Then, all of a sudden, it appears in the grocery store.  A package of Mug Cake (not to be confused with Mud Cake) ... prepacked deliciousness for the laziness in us all.  Swirl it, pour it, nuke it ... and revel in it.

Could life get any better?  What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU