Westin Branded Fitness

I'm traveling this week, and happen to be staying at a Westin Hotel.  To be honest, I haven't been to one in awhile, and this one is quite nice.  I generally don't "pick" a hotel for business travel, I just go with what's most convenient or easiest.  And that's often gotten me in trouble, but this time I've got no issues ... the lobby is fine, the room is comfortable, and the bed is particularly inviting.

I walked into the bathroom, though, to quite a surprise.  There was a little sticker on the mirror encouraging me to continue my fitness regimen, encouraging me to work out in the gym.

Westin Workout.  They've branded their fitness approach.  But there's more.

The hotel also offers its guests to use, for $5.00, a trial pair of New Balance sneakers and work out clothes.

Not only have they branded their fitness approach, but they also have a marketing partner!  It's called "Gear Lending."  Brilliant!  Or as the little sticker on the mirror prompted me, "Pack Light!"

Now for this trip, I packed appropriately so it's not going to help.  But imagine if I hadn't packed quite right, I'd be all set.  Or imagine the next trip ... I won't even bother to pack knowing that the hotel is looking out for me.

It's hard enough packing, but having to throw in a pair of sneakers, gym clothes, and socks is just a pain.  Not to mention carrying them.  Not to mention bringing them home after sweating in them.

Gotta say, I'm impressed.  And it might even get me to "pick" Westin ahead of time, next time.  Isn't that the point?

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU