Kicking the Bucket

Another post in the "sign of the times" theme ... some very interesting news in the world of chicken to take note, as we collectively look to eat leaner and lighter.

KFC (as in Kentucky Fried Chicken) is in test market with a QSR concept that offers much leaner, more upscale versions of chicken including chicken flat bread and chicken rice bowls.   Gone in this new restaurant is the familiar bucket of fried chicken ... too much for today's tastes?

On the home front, we see classic Hamburger Helper bring us Chicken Helper.  Now you might be saying, "what took so long?"  Doesn't matter, my own college kids are dying to try the new mix when they return to school this Fall.  Sign of the times indeed.

And lastly, a recent industry trend report indicates that chicken consumption is on the rise for breakfast?  Breakfast?  Chicken bacon?  I guess so.

Me?  I've become what is referred to as a "chicketarian" -- my diet is almost entirely fruits, vegetables, and chicken.  Oh yeah, and carbs (forgot about those Sunday night spaghetti and (chicken) meatballs). 

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
- President, Cohn & NA
- Author, The Experience Effect series
- Professor, NYU
- Contributor, Entrepreneur and Huffington Post