Puppy Bowl X

If you've never watched the Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl, then you really are missing out on something fun. 

It is THE AMAZING alternative to more and more and more of the pre Super Bowl chatter on Sunday before the big game.  Starting at 3:00pm EST, it's a great channel flipper for that afternoon (2/2/14).  This is the show's tenth year, and it's been slowly building momentum year after year. 

Basically, we watch a bunch of adorable puppies play together on a mock football field, complete with referees and all sorts of football/puppy jokes.  It's irresistible.

This year, for the tenth anniversary, the network is dialing it up and bringing in some cool cats.  Literally.

Performing at the half time show of Puppy Bowl X is Keyboard Kat and Lil'Bub, and they are singing a song by Bruno Mars (the slated feature act for the Super Bowl halftime show).

This year the network is also taking it social with an online Fantasy Draft and an MVP Interactive Voting feature, both looking to build an audience prior to the game.  Of course the show is also encouraging viewers to send in their own Instagram photos of their puppies.  Nothing like a selfie with a puppy!  Irresistible!

It's becoming quite the cultural phenomenon.

I don't think it's a coincidence that "puppies" are beginning to be featured in other brands' Super Bowl spots.  Here's a preview of a new CarMax spot, one of the perennial Super Bowl advertisers:

And here's the same spot, except in a puppy version:

This is killing me!   What's your experience?  JIM.

PS - Tweet with us during the Grammy Awards on 1/26/14 at 6:30pmEST for live commentary during the Grammy Awards at #GrammyExp!