
While at first glance it may seem to good to be true, there's a fun little phenomenon going on in San Francisco that's gathering a lot of social media attention ... and actually a lot of attention in general.  And not just in the Bay Area, but across the country.  And hopefully around the world eventually.

A Twitter handle called @HiddenCash suddenly appeared out of nowhere, along with anonymous video clips of someone planting envelopes of cash around the city ... with tweets sending out clues on how to find the envelopes of cash.

Seems too good to be true, right?  There's got to be a motive, right?  Is it just a social experiment.

No and no ... and yes, a social experiment with only good outcomes.

This anonymous gentleman isn't too good to be true and he has nothing but one motive in mind:  to start a movement.  He wants others to do the same, all around the world.  In fact to try to get it going, he moved down to San Jose and started hiding envelopes and tweeting clues.  Somebody is doing it in LA now too ... is it the same guy?

He hasn't been shy about asking others to follow suit, and says he can't help everyone ... but if we all kick in then maybe we just can.  Maybe these others locations aren't him ... hmmm.

But it all comes with a warning ... if people getting snarky or violent, then the @HiddenCash stops.

Does this guy have an amazing personal brand or what?  You can read a little more about him by clicking here.

Indeed.  What's your experience?  JIM.