#TBT - Tylenol Supports the Gay Community

It's Throw Back Thursday (#TBT) and also soon to be the start of Pride Month (June), so I thought I'd bring back a campaign I did years ago that seems appropriate to highlight today.

Back in the day, I had my own agency called CPPartners and our biggest client at the time was Tylenol.  We were a feisty little group, and super creative.  I loved that team!

Long story short, we had a very progressive client on the Tylenol PM business who understood the opportunity to target the gay people.  "Progressive" isn't even really the word, because at the time Tylenol was the very first OTC product to support the gay community ... believe it or not this was breakthrough at the time.

So pictured above is the print ad we did, that ran in parallel to the brand's sponsorship of Gay Pride in NYC ... it remains one of the fondest memories in my career.

If you'd like to read about what was said about the campaign at the time, give it a click here.

Thankfully, that term "openly gay" feels so outdated now!  (but that's another blog post)

What's your experience?  JIM.