Brands Take on Texting and Driving

We all know the dangers of texting while driving ... it's honestly just as bad as drinking and driving.

Many "brands" have been responsible for our education on the matter, from Oprah to AT&T to countless others.  For that we should all say thanks.

I wanted to highlight two more recent campaigns, that I think are particularly breakthrough because they feature the story from a different angle ... hopefully breaking through to people as a result.

The first is a continuation of AT&T's brilliant "It Can Wait" campaign that the brand has been running for quite some time now.    There's a flip to their messaging this time out though:

And another from Volkswagon, just released a few days ago, who took the topic head on with a stunt and some "prank-vertising."  Truly breakthrough IMHO.

I think it's wonderful, and wonderfully responsible, when a brand serves its people:  in these two cases stepping out of their own products and working to protect their consumers through education and behavioral change, in an attempt to keep them safe.

Bravo!  What's your experience?  JIM.