
So many people have sent me this video, so I just had to blog about it.  It brings tears to my eyes, no matter how many times I see it.

"You have to be brave to stand in front of the world and say 'this is who I am.'"

June is Gay Pride Month, and what better way to celebrate how far we've come then by showing one of the hardest barriers to overcome for gay people of all shapes, sizes, and flavors ... sports.

"Sports has the power to unite."

#ProudToPlay.  Take a look at a video that shows just that ... bravery that comes from just being who you are, no matter who you are, matter what you want to do.

"Who you love isn't important, scoring goals is important."

Pride Month as it should be.  These people are truly breaking barriers so that others can play sports with pride.

"Because of you, there's a little boy playing basketball right now who knows he can be who he is and play the sport he loves."

"Support a world where every athlete can be proud to play."  Indeed.

What's your experience?  JIM.