2016, Top Three

Right around this time of year we start to see all the year-end lists. It's just plain fun to think back on the year.

Before I do my annual best blog posts or biggest marketing moments lists, I thought I'd pick out just three moments this year that had an impact on me.

#2016Top3 if you will.

Biggest pic of the year - I knew when I saw Donald Trump on the side of the Empire State Building when he picked up Ohio that it was over. In Hunger Games style, it really was over.

Most moving performance of the year - goes to Kelly Clarkson and her performance during the last season of American Idol. I had never heard the song before but I figured it out as it rolled along. Wow, just wow!

And finally...

Most read blog post of the year - from me anyway - is the Open Letter I wrote to Barack Obama, from one dad to another. I just loved hearing everyone's reaction to it.

Click here to give it a read.

What a year! What's your experience?  JIM

P.S. - Through the end of the year my publisher is running a BUY ONE, GIFT ONE FREE promotion on my book Out and About Dad. Click here to check it out.

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