Michael Phelps - Second Act

There's a great article out about Michael Phelps at Adweek.

Adweek? Yes, Adweek.

The premise of the article is that Michael Phelps is entering the second act of his career. He's no longer a swimmer, but instead a working family man. A businessman with a family. An active dad balancing work and family responsibilities.

Just like so many of us.

I've personally always been a big fan, partly because we've all witnessed Michael grow up and I've long admired how he's taken responsibility for the highs and lows of his life. And he's had both, but he's always owned both. And now he's owning the next phase...fatherhood, but with a new career.

A pretty successful career, at that, which is very inspiring. But it's his take on fatherhood that is even more inspiring. He is making changes in his career so that he can be around for his baby.

Just like so many of us.

Here's just one of his latest moves, for Beats by Dr. Dre, along with an ensemble of others.

Way to go dad...looking forward to following you. And here's hoping others follow in your footsteps as well.

What's your experience? JIM