Doritos and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Movie promotions are not necessarily new...nor our big brand partnerships with said movie promotions. We've probably seen it all. Or have we?

I'm totally intrigued by the co-promote between Doritos and the new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.

You can literally buy a bag of Doritos with a built in cassette player (yes, cassette player as in 1980's and as in the movie) to listen to the full movie soundtrack? Cool or what?

This just part of an entire campaign linking the brand with the new movie that includes product codes you can pull from bags of Doritos to enter an online contest. 

This isn't the first time this category or Frito Lay (who makes Doritos) has used their packaging to add a great consumer experience. For the Super Bowl this year, sister brand Tostitos added a breathalyser to its bag so that consumers could see if it was safe for them to drive. If not, they can tap the bag with their mobile phone to call an Uber. Pretty brilliant.

All in a bag of chips. Limited edition bags of chips. And I'm sure there's more to come where that came from! What's your experience?  JIM