Just a fashion trend minute ago, we witnessed prestige brand Balenciaga's reinterpretation of the classic IKEA blue bag...turned into a runway piece. Pretty fab.

Well now another re-imagination is hitting the street...in the form of head ware.

Yes, a LA-based company has brought this hat to life, albeit at a much more affordable price point of under $50 (compared to $2,000+ for the Balenciaga bag).

This one is more overtly branded, and literally uses the same material as our IKEA fav.

To my knowledge, the brand has yet to respond to this one although quite honestly I am quite sure it's quite flattered. To reach such iconic status that classic elements of your brand reach such devotion is hard to complain about. I am sure there are legal issues abound, but from a branding perspective it doesn't get much better than this. Especially when retail is hitting an all time low. Perhaps not for IKEA!

Well I'm off to work, IKEA bag in tow.  What's your experience? JIM