Home Depot Company's Coming

I received this catalog in the mail, snail mail that is, and couldn't believe it was from Home Depot.

Home Depot! As in the racks of lumber and the rows of lightbulbs! These are the kinds of images I've come to expect from the Home Depot that I know and remember:

Not these kinds of images:

Entertaining? Table top? Home accessories? Looks more like Martha Stewart or Williams-Sonoma has come to town, rather than Home Depot!

Upon further digging in, I noted that most of these items, if not virtually all of them, are available really only via the catalog or online presumably (definitely presumably) through partner brands/sites, etc. Not necessarily in the store. Not a bad business model, though, as there are certainly others who have found success in this model :)

Amazon effect?

And of course, as with many online retail models these days, you can always order online and pickup at store.

Just in time for company! Just in time for holiday and holiday spending. Exactly the point. What's your experience? JIM