Trash Talk from Hefty Trash Bags


File this under “brilliant.” And “why didn’t anyone do this before?”

Hefty Trash Bags just launched a limited edition line of bags that have funny “lines” printed on them. “Trash talk” if you will. Oh, I will!


There’s a limited supply available each day online, and evidently they are selling out each and every time. But of course.


Some say they are targeted to Millennials, but I beg to differ. They are targeted to anyone who is responsible for the trash in their household and who gets a lift out of this kind of humor. Consider it a psychographic target instead of a demographic target.

Which is by the way the topic of my class at NYU next week. Hint hint.

This program nails it on many levels:

  • Creates a sense of FOMO in that every day there’s a limited supply available so shoppers have to act fast, every day, or they miss out

  • Takes a normal and mundane task and adds some levity to it

  • Likely costs very little to implement

I’d say that’s a success!

What’s your experience? JIM