New Sears Logo
Sears just recently introduced its new logo, sparking much commentary and debate.
I for one must say that Sears appears to be moving in a positive direction from what have been very challenging times for the business. So it’s only appropriate that the brand gets some attention with an overhaul as well.
“Making Moments Matter” is the new tagline, which anyone in marketing can see where that strategy is coming from.
The typography is different but that’s not what’s what here. What’s fresh and new is the new icon that’s a part of the new logo. The brand talks about how the icon represents arms coming together to form a home, with imagery of a tree growing at the center of it all. Family tree perhaps?
I get it. But I do have to report that not everyone on social media got it, and not everyone thought it was fresh and new. In fact, many immediately remarked that it is strikingly similar to the icon of the Airbnb logo. See for yourself:
Logos are always left to the eyes of the beholder. And there’s often drama when a new version is released; that drama often fades fast.
So what say you? What’s your take? What’s your experience? JIM