Harry Styles on the cover of Vogue


Being on the cover of Vogue Magazine is, well, being on the cover of Vogue Magazine! The magazine, and its iconic covers, are both a reflection of and inspiration for our popular culture. It fuels trends, sparks trends, and creates trends. It also fuels opinions and perceptions as well. Which is why its influence is so strong.

Which is also why who is on the cover and how they show up is so important. So influential.

Enter Harry Styles, on the cover of Vogue. In a dress. With this headline: “Anytime you’re putting barriers up in life, you’re limiting yourself.”

Of course he got some backlash, to which he responded: “To not wear [something] because it’s females’ clothing, you shut out a whole world of great clothes. And I think what’s exciting about right now is you can wear what you like. It doesn’t have to be X or Y. Those lines are becoming more and more blurred.”

Well that’s pretty simple. And breakthrough. And influential.

Thank you, Harry! What’s your experience? JIM