Budweiser "Whassup?"

Has it really been 13 years?!?


Thirteen years after Budweiser gave us their infamous “Whassup?” commercial/video, the brand is bringing it back in our CV19 world. Take a look:

This time it’s all about making connections with people and checking in on them. Exactly. With many of us stuck at home, many are feeling lonely and isolated even if they aren’t alone. Budweiser is reminding us to check in and see “Whassup?”

The brand is doing more than just submit a video. They are holding daily checkins and also supporting the Salvation Army’s hotline where people can call to get counseling. Well done.

If you haven’t seen it in awhile, here’s the original “Whassup?”

Gotta love it!

Check in with people and make sure that they’re getting the support they need!

What’s your experience? JIM.

PS - My new book is coming out 5.5.20 and the publisher is offering a 30% preorder discount at https://bit.ly/3bPKjVZ if you use the code “FriendOfJim.” Check it out if you are so inclined. It’s a timely read for those of us in marketing.
