During This Crisis, Be Careful What You Email


I’m always getting questions about if the big brand marketing principles that I write about also apply to small business. And I always say, YES!”

This is particularly true when it comes to email marketing. When a brand is communicating directly to a customer via their email address, big brands and small brands are in the same boat … Be careful what you email!

Especially right now.

I’ll give you a concrete example.

I’m sure just like you, I’ve been getting bombarded with emails from big brands and small brands. Global, national, and local brands. Over the weekend, I received one from a local business that really struck me. Be careful what you email! Be conscious of what’s going on in the world when you communicate with your customers. Be conscious of what’s going on in their world.

The email started out with, “How are you!” Note the exclamation point! How am I?!? Really? I think you probably already know. We are in the middle of a global crisis. I’m worried, stressed, anxious, and sleep deprived … just like everybody else. As a brand, acknowledge that!

The note went on to say that the company is local, implying that they can swing by my house whenever I might need them for a personal consultation. Really?!? I don’t have friends and family members coming over right now, so how am I going to have a company come over? So instead, write about what being “local” means to us all right now! Being in it together is a good start.

The company was pushing fashion to me hard, but TTYTT, am I worried about fashion right now?!? I can’t go anywhere! Put your offerings in context! How about fashion tips for videoconferencing, as an example?

The last line of the email really got me: “We are offering free shipping and returns during these trying times.” Finally, at least a nod to what we are going through. But free shipping and returns?!? That’s all you got? We’ve come to expect free shipping and returns on a normal day. What are you doing right now to help me in this crisis? Standard offerings are not special enough right now. Do more to help me!

I write this as a way for us all to learn a lesson. Email marketing can be very effective but we have to proceed with caution. We need to be conscious of what’s going on in the world when we reach out to our customers. Listen to them. Help them. Relate to them.

Be careful what you email. Because when you get it right, you just might make a meaningful connection.

What’s your experience? JIM