We Can Do This!


If you listen to government officials and to the news, it certainly sounds like this is going to be a rough week in the US and elsewhere. As if the last few haven’t been tough enough.

Last Monday, I started the week not knowing if I could hold up TTYTT. It all felt so insurmountable. I was overwhelmed. I was overly worried about my (adult) kids. Worried about my husband’s health. Worried about everything. But I did what I always do … I put my head down into my work and plowed through. I made it; we made it.

It was the work that got me through. Video conference after video conference kept me focused with my various team members around the world, all going through this crisis as well. It’s when I really realized that we are all in this together. We are each dealing with it differently, but we are all in it together.

The other thing that got me through was my family. Frequent texts and chats with the kids. Dinner every night with my husband which has never happened in our lives over twenty-one years. That part has been nice.

So as I look towards another week in shelter, I feel differently this week than last. Maybe it’s me being resilient. Maybe it’s sheer determination. Maybe it’s just plain hope. But this week I’m optimistic. Optimistic that we will make it through. Will there be damage? For sure. Will we come out of it on the other side? For sure. But I’m going to enjoy the good parts for now while I plan for how we do come out of it all.

We can do this! We can make it! Together.

Here’s a little video from Facebook that captures the sentiment well:

Let’s stay in touch wherever and however we can. I need to see your faces!

What’s your experience? JIM