New Sky #MusicMonday

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

I came across this (new to me) group called Rufus du Sol. I found them because their new album is a live concert from Joshua Tree National Park. From my home in Palm Springs, Joshua Tree isn’t too far and it’s a fabulous retreat into nature. A live concert from there is totally cool! Not only is the landscape absolutely stunning, but the sky is limitless. Foreshadowing…

The song I fell in love with is called “New Sky.” The song and the album serve as a great backdrop for when I’m working all day. Great #mood music! And just a great upbeat sound that takes you away to a new place. Foreshadowing…

Take a listen:

But I also love the lyric. Fits my #mood now too! Foreshadowing …

“I wanna go, I wanna fly
I wanna take myself to a new sky
I wanna live, I wanna die
I wanna thank myself for getting out
Take me to another place
Take me to another place”

I want to go to a new sky for sure! I think most of us feel that way this year!

Wishing you all new sky….what’s your experience? JIM