KFC Amid Covid-19


Yesterday I wrote about how brand Lay’s is staying relevant in the pandemic with its suite of new flavors. Staying relevant is the main stay of any brand, particularly when your audience is going through great change.

KFC is another brand that is constantly striving to stay relevant. It recently announced a discount for teachers called “Back to School Buckets" as teachers are at the forefront of change in this pandemic. Not the only brand to offer such benefits to teachers, but a great gesture nonetheless.

And then just this week, the brand decided to suspend its infamous tagline “Finger Lickin’ Good” since it’s just not appropriate at a time of social distancing and masks and the need to not touch your face to avoid spread of the virus.

Good call. Relevant call.

Of course on the more fun side of things, the brand also sold out almost instantaneously on its collaboration with Crocs. It was evidently a look that many wanted, much like the KFC gravy scented candle from awhile back. Yikes!



Brand relevancy. It’s generally not any one move, but many moves that stack up to make your brand make sense to your audience. Never a better time.

How can your brand stay relevant in these times? What’s your experience? JIM