Brands Support the Vote


We’ve talked about this for the last few elections, so I’m thrilled to see movement as many companies come forth to give their teams time off to vote. Our agency is actually giving the day off. I’d personally vote for making Election Day a national holiday just to take any constraints against voting off the table.

Many brands are also making public announcements and taking even further action to help the vote. Some from brands that you wouldn’t necessarily expect.

Like Old Navy. The company is actually paying their employees to go work at voting stations to make the voting process a little more easy in local communities. That’s really cool! Talk about empowering your employees to help communities come together!

And then there’s Absolut Vodka who is championing the vote with a dedicated site, video, and mini-campaign. Talk about putting your brand aside for the greater good!


And then there is Levi’s who has joined forces with Hailey Bieber and Oge Egbuonu along with many others to encourage people to vote no matter how hard it may be on election day. Their PSA is powerful and compelling. Talk about a motivating message!

I love seeing the community encouragement for the good of our country. It’s our duty and I believe our commitment to each other. For the brands too.

Vote! What’s your experience? JIM