Mondays in a Pandemic



Let me first start off by saying that I am incredibly fortunate that my work has continued during this pandemic. I’ve been truly amazed at how so much of my industry has been able to stay productive and employed when our entire world shifted. I say that with great appreciation and humility because many were still affected in my industry and many industries have been shut down. The benefit that I can keep working is not lost on me at all. My two (adult) kids have also remained employed. I am truly appreciative.

Having said that, I have to say that Mondays are tough these days. Tough for me and I still get to “go” to work. So I can’t imagine a Monday where the uncertainty over employment is an added layer. Or the uncertainty of health and wellbeing.

Mondays are tough these days. So tough that I had to wait until Tuesday to write this post.

Admittedly, Mondays have always been a heavier lift even in “normal” times. It takes a bit to get the mind rolling again, but wow now it’s a huge strain to get back into the groove.

We talked about it a lot yesterday (Monday), as I think it’s important to talk about these feelings and share them so that we know we aren’t alone. We came to the conclusion that it must be the fresh start to a new week that isn’t a fresh start at all. It’s still the same. The week is exactly like the one before and the one before and the one before. And exactly like the weekend that feels like it never happened. And as someone reminded me, Monday brings you back to the space that you were avoiding all weekend so that you could escape work and take some sort of a break.


Back in the day (February 2020), i’d get out of bed on Monday morning and face a new calendar of events that often included business travel, dinners, events, brainstorm sessions, and client presentations. Now, there’s no going off to explore different cultures and different environments. There’s only video conferencing from my desk in my family room. Again. And again.

I’m not complaining, just coping.

I think Monday is when we remember those days pre-pandemic and we miss them. By Tuesday morning (when I’m writing this post), we’ve moved on once again and we are tackling the challenges of work head on with no second thought, with Monday is our rear view mirror. We’ve moved through it to make the best of the rest of the week.

So let’s cut ourselves a break on Monday, can’t we?!? Let’s not expect quite the same from ourselves as we grapple with what we’ve lost and face the world as it is right now. It’s a lot, and we would serve ourselves well if we simply acknowledge it and accept it for what it is. And share in our feelings. And help each other cope.

A virtual hug or two wouldn’t hurt either. What’s your experience? JIM.