6th Anniversary of "Out and About Dad"


Today marks the start of Pride Month, a celebration of all of us simply being who we are … all of us are on a journey to get right here and to continue right on.

Which is exactly what my book “Out and About Dad” is all about … my journey as a single, divorced, gay dad at a time when none of us spoke about such things. None of us shared our stories so I eventually felt the need to tell mine.

Mine is a story of following societal norms, facing extreme unhappiness, over coming obstacles, and ultimately finding a path to love. It’s important that we share our stories so that we can understand each other better, so that we can appreciate each other more, and so that we can realize that we all have a few things in common including our struggles.

So as we begin Pride Month in what we hope is nearly the end of the pandemic, I encourage you to share your story as well. It’ll bring you great comfort and it’ll bring others closer to you. Share with Pride.

Happy Pride … what’s your experience? JIM

PS - If you’d like to check out my story, please click here.