Don't Come Out, Let People In
October 11th was National Coming Out Day in the U.S., an annual “holiday” that started back in 1988 as a way to encourage us all to feel comfortable being who we are and to encourage us all to feel comfortable sharing that with families and friends and maybe even co-workers (which honestly is where I struggle the most, especially back in the day).
On the “holiday” this year, there were a number of memes circulating and messages tracking across social media that were so motivating and inspiring. Dozens if not hundreds. I loved it every one of them.
There was one in particular that I just really moved me … don’t come out, let people in.
Let people in.
Wow. So enlightening. It’s not so much about “coming out of the closet” at all. That feels really out of date, actually. If you really think about it, when you “come out” you are in fact letting people know the real you. You’re actually letting people into your life. You’re actually letting them know that you want them in your life and you trust them that they will embrace who you are.
Wow. I’m now thinking about the entire “out” process so differently. By the way, when you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, you don’t come out on just one day. It’s every day no matter where you are in your journey and no matter how old you are or how long you’ve been “out.” I come out every day, and it’s been a lot of years “coming out.” Correction … I now let people in every day. Every day.
What’s your experience? JIM