I've Got a Name #MusicMonday

Source: Wikipedia

As a kid, I was always fascinated by the song from Jim Croce called “I Got a Name.” It was released in 1973, the day after he died in a plane crash and according to Wikipedia spent 17 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 song charts. I remember it on constant rotation on the radio back in the day, and it might very well be one of the first songs that I actually do remember playing on the radio as a young kid.

Even back then, I was being pulled in by the lyrics hence perhaps why I’d become a bit of an writer later on in life. To my ear, the song is about a man carrying out his dreams, perhaps different from the dreams of his father yet proud to carry his father’s name. I can relate.

Oh that guitar! I also think (think) that it’s this song that made me eventually want to learn to play guitar, something which I did eventually do but then later dropped. Wish I hadn’t dropped that!

For this #MusicMonday, I thought it would be appropriate to use “I Got a Name” to honor all the fathers and father-figures out there doing all they do for their families. My dad is named for his dad, me for mine, my son for me, and now my grandson for me. Not all the exact same name but derivations which I just absolutely love.

I got a name … I’m carrying it with me and I’m going proud.

What’s your experience? JIM