GLAAD: Our Existence, Our Resistence

Source: GLAAD

The organization GLAAD is clearly super active during Pride month, but seriously just as much so every other month of the year as well. But I have to say I love their call to action this year for Pride, one of the many initiatives they have in play to make Pride a month of not just awareness but one of movement (my words). Movement!

Here it is … and it’s so profound, yet simple … Our Existence, Our Resistence.

Meaning: yes we exist, you can’t deny that. And yes, we will resist you denying that. You can’t deny our existence or our right to exist or our right to exist equally. For Pride month or any other month of the year. For this year or any other year. For the LGBTQ+ community or any other community. We exist and we will resist.

Our Existence, Our Resistence.

Let’s make some movement this Pride.

What’s your experience? JIM