Be Kind

Source: Random Acts of Kindness

Monday 11/13/23 was World Kindness Day. I didn’t know, but I started wondering why my social feeds were suddenly flooded with notes about being kind. I loved it! And in fact I found myself visiting my social channels more often that day to check in and feel the love. Feel the kindness. “Random acts of kindness was a recurring theme.”

World Kindness Day was started in 1998 (coincidently the year I met my husband of now 25 years) by an organization called the World Kindness Movement. Given where we are in the world right now, lest we think the need to be kind is a new one, evidently these folks were onto something back in the day. The World Kindness Movement is a coalition of Kindness NGOs from several nations. Who knew?!?

The organization guides us on how to celebrate the day:

  • Perform random acts of kindness

  • Volunteer

  • Donate

  • Spread kindness on social media (which is how my discover was made)

Truth be told, we are spending a lot of energy of late on things that are unkind (the understatement of the century). Imagine if we simply put all of that work into trying to just be kind. It’s no where near as much work to just be kind.

Just be kind.

Imagine how much better we would all feel. How much more productive we would all be. How the world would feel so much lighter and more manageable.

Just be kind. On World Kindness Day and every day.

I do think it’s important to note that not every country recognizes World Kindess Day. In fact, the United States (my home) does not recognize it. Here’s who does:

  • Canada

  • Australia

  • Nigeria

  • The United Arab Emirates

  • Singapore

Interesting. Maybe a good starting point to being kind is for more countries to recognize the need. Shall we start there?

I’m in. What’s your experience? JIM