Climate Week 2023 in New York

It’s “Climate Week” here in New York this week, which (in my words) is an organized set of activities scheduled around the city to bring awareness to climate change, to help people become more informed about how they can action, and for organizations, brands, and companies to show their commitment to change.

I’m not sure that’s the official designation, but that’s my sense of it all having observed its growth over the years. It’s now huge. It’s organized and managed by a non-profit organization called Climate Group and among other things the organization also serves up a ton of thought leadership and research on various related topics.

This year’s events cover ten areas: environment, energy, environmental justice, transport, finance, sustainable living, nature, politics, industry, and food. And as for this year’s theme:

“Climate Week NYC 2023 will focus on the theme, 'We Can. We Will'. The theme reflects determination, focus, and a hopeful promise for action. The Week aims to provide a platform for showcasing leading climate action and discussing how to do more, fast.”

So you see it’s all meant to be very specific and very actionable. On a corporate, community, organization, and individual level. Something which I am sure has also grown through the years.

It’s all quite inspiring and we have several clients in town for this and ancillary events in conjunction with the spirit of Climate Week. Plus The United Nations is in session bringing foreign diplomats into the city; no small coincidence. Add in President Biden being in town for a speech at said session, and there’s a whole lot of security, blocked streets, and traffic. Mixed with September showers.

But it’s exciting. It’s exciting to see the collective “community” come together to create solutions that will impact us all. And for us all to help impact those solutions.

I’m inspired. This year perhaps more than ever. What’s your experience? JIM