A Thank You to GLAAD

As I wrote about yesterday, this past Saturday night I attended the GLAAD Media Awards in New York City. As I have told anyone who will listen, it was a night of inspiration, belonging, reflection, and motivation.

Yes, indeed the awards were so inspiring, but I have to say that it was the speeches that moved me the most. Either a speech after winning an award, setting up an award, setting up a keynote speaker, or from a keynote speaker. All of it.

There was a quote that has stuck with me from the moment it went across the speaker system to the moment I write it down right now …

“Thank you for allowing me to be my self which is a skill I hope to pass along to others”

Thank you for allowing me to be myself. Wow. Isn’t that what it’s all about?!? Being ourselves without judgement, without hate, without retribution!! GLAAD has exactly done that … allowed us to be ourselves. And now allowing us to pass it along to others.

It took me a long time to be myself, as I talk about all the time. I blindly followed societal norms until they led me to a dark, lonely place. I eventually came out as a divorced, gay, single dad at a time when none of that was discussed or certainly not accepted. But I pushed through, trying to just be myself.

There were no role models or organizations that were readily available to help. Slowly that changed as society also changed, giving me and many others the permission to just be ourselves.

GLAAD was one of those early organizations. I am thankful to them and to others. And I’m thankful for those coming along after me who can perhaps have an easier path to self-acceptance and belonging.

I wrote a book about my journey called “Out and About Dad,” and it is my way of passing along that same permission to others.

Thank you, GLAAD.

What’s your experience? JIM