The Portal from Dublin to New York

Source: Flatiron NoMad Partnership

Seemed like a clever idea … use technology to create a live “window” or “doorway” or “portal” between Dublin, Ireland and New York, USA for people in each city to be able to connect live with each other, learn about each other, and form a “bridge” between each other.

Seemed like a clever idea … and honestly an idea I myself have heard come up in brainstorm meetngs from time to time where we are trying to connect distanced audiences together, live.

Seemed like a clever idea … but even the most clever of ideas need to scenario plan. What if people try to climb on the portal instead of stand in front of it? What if people use the portal to send inappropriate messages? Demonstrate inappropriate behaviors?

Even the most clever of ideas need to think these scenarios through and have a plan.

Sadly, these scenarios played out in The Portal that was recently installed to connect Dublin and New York City. So the organizers have temporarily shut it down while they determine plan b. Which I am sure they will.

It’s a great lesson learned for us marketers. Always think of plan b in advance. Assume it’ll happen so that you can put safeguards in place to make sure it doesn’t or to address it immediately and strategically if it does.

Seemed like a clever idea … and I’m sure they will come up with a clever solution. For us marketers, let’s all build the clever solution into the clever idea right up front.

What’s your experience? JIM