Rick Astley for Specsavers at Cannes #MusicMonday

Source: Specsavers

Last week was the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and it was packed full of people, thought leadership, and creativity like I’ve never seen before. It was seriously the biggest year ever with jammed agendas and jammed audiences soaking up the sun and the topics every day for five days.

The big news was that for the first time ever a PR Firm won a Grand Prix award and in fact over the course of the week three PR firms won three Grand Prix awards including the Grand Prix for PR work which again was a first time ever. Sounds odd, I know, but the Cannes Lions awards have always been dominated by advertising agencies and this year the playing field was completely level. Every type of agency was winning with no one in the driver’s seat. I was beaming. Having worked for many kinds of agencies, I was beaming because we all should be winning because we all do winning work. It was good to see and feel the recognition.

Since I’m highlighting music today, I’d like to showcase one of those PR Agency Grand Prix winners in the audio category from the brand Specsavers which is a hearing aid device from the UK. The PR agency that won is Golin. The creative idea featured singer Rick Astley and his famous song “Never Gonna Give You Up” … here’s the Cannes Lion case study that won the award(s):

I’ve had a few people comment on why I would feature another agency’s work on my blog, which is something I do all the time here BTW. It’s because I’m celebrating the work and our industry hoping to lift us all up. It’s my brand. Love it or leave it!

Congrats to the agency that created this and that lifted us all up in the process. Thank you!

What’s your experience? JIM