The Sport Breaking Debuts at the Olympics in 2024 #MusicMonday

This one is kinda hard to explain, to be honest. “Breaking” was a new sport at the Olympics this year … or what most of us know as Break Dancing. It’s been called as much art as science, and I’m sure many of you are wondering why a marketing and branding guy like me is even commenting on it here.

Well … I’m giving some props to the Olympics for constantly trying to stay relevant. Like having the surfing competition in French Tahiti. Very cool. And introducing new sports to keep the younger generations involved and engaged. Like Breaking. It might not always work with every new sport and I’m not sure that the world thinks that Breaking worked this time around , but hey why not give it a try. Looks like in 2028 they are introducing Flag Football in Los Angeles. Ok!

Click here for the first ever gold medal performance in Breaking at an Olympics Games.

Gotta say … innovative and new, that’s for sure.

Now I was around the first time breakdancing hit the streets, and it was cool, so so cool. And while this hit song was not the coolest ever and kinda made it too mainstream, I will admit that I did kinda like this song from Irene Cara from the early 80’s as breakdancing was slowing down. But then maybe this also killed it, not sure!?!

Either way, going to acknowledge the Olympic organizers for keeping it fresh. Like any good brand should.

What’s your experience? JIM