I Met a Dad Who's Son is About to Ring the Bell at the NYSE #FeelingFriday

Source: NYSE

My husband and I were sitting outside last week on a glorious New York City summer weekend having brunch. It was one of those days where you just feel thankful for being alive. Eighty degrees, dry, sunny, great burger, glass of rose, sitting at a comfortable table, no rush, slow conversation … we were relishing in a couple moment, a NY moment, and a summer-time moment.

Now mind you I had to catch a Sunday night flight out later that day to start the work week, but we were living in the moment and not worrying about that at the time!!!! Know what I mean!?!?

Sitting next two us were two gentlemen who also seemed to be enjoying the moment. They appeared to be tourists and I only say that because they were carrying shopping bags of merchandise from the Statue of Liberty. A bit of a give away. Especially on the Upper West Side of New York City if you are familiar.

After awhile we starting chatting, as one does during a slow brunch outside on a beautiful summer day in New York.

Turns out this was a dad and his adult son visiting for the weekend, in from Texas. They were in town because the dad’s other adult son was going to be ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Monday morning with his company.

Oh wow. I think we literally said that out loud.

Dad went on to talk about how he never thought he’d ever see this day. Our eyes welled up. He raised the two boys by himself, which was very difficult working and taking care of them. He is type-one diabetes so he didn’t know how long he’d live. Never thought he’d see this age even. He mentioned many of the other struggles that come from going through life and raising kids. Yup.

And here he is in New York with his two very successful sons, one of them about to ring the bell at the NYSE.


My husband and I were awe-struck. You just don’t know who you are sitting next to, ever. You don’t know their story, until you ask. You don’t know the obstacles they have overcome for their family.

We all have our own set of those struggles and our own story. And I’m inspired by each of them. Including this dad.

Way to go, dad! Share your story!

What’s your experience? JIM

PS - I decided I’m going to start a new series every Friday of just feel good posts. Fridays are about feeling good during a moment in our culture when it’s hard to feel good sometimes. There’s so much going on that makes us not feel good. So let’s take a moment to stop and feel good when we can. #FeelingFriday