Heinz is Having a Year!!

Brand Heinz is having quite the year. This legacy brand is repeatedly doing some great marketing that to my eye, and many others, is totally ownable, totally on-brand, and just really clever.

Great work that is all about branding! Branding!

Pictured above is some out-of-home advertising that shows the brand logo ironically as most people see it .. upside down and in shaking mode. Right?!?

Ownable, on-brand, really clever.

Another campaign asked consumers all around the world to simply draw a picture of ketchup and guess what … the vast vast vast majority of those consumers drew a bottle of Heinz. But of course.

Ownable, on-brand, really clever.

And then of course there are the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity Awards this year where Heinz was also a dominant player. Here’s a “B2B” winner (of sorts) which may seem as a surprise coming out of the Cannes Lions but I find to be very fascinating. It tackles a huge brand problem where restaurants and food service facilities replace Heinz bottles with other more generic ketchup products (I guess to save money?!?). Yuck.

Here’s the case study sent to the judges at the Cannes Lions …

Well now there you go, real impact solving a real cultural phenom. A real brand problem.

Like I said … a brand having a year, that’s for sure. After all these years! Branding!

What’s your experience? JIM