My Favorite Blog Posts of 2013

I spend the first few moments of every business day writing a blog post.  It not only gets my day and my creative juices flowing, it also keeps me in touch with what's going on in the marketplace, which only helps me try to keep my work fresh and inspired.  It brings me a lot of joy.

The turn of a new year is a great time to reflect on the year past, so I thought I'd do another Top Ten List ... this one of my favorite blog posts of the year.  Enjoy and Happy New Year!

10.  The Year of the Snake.  My prediction for what the year's theme might mean in 2013 marketing.  Watch out, 2014 is the Year of the Horse.

9.  Husbands and Wives.  I just love how we've had to redefine these labels.

8.  Social Referencing.  I spoke at a big branding conference at VCU, and this was a big topic of discussion among the students.

7.  Personal Positioning.  I launched my third book this year, on personal branding.  This post captures the best of it IMHO.

6.  Electronics at the Dinner Table.   An eye-opening statement about spending time with the fam that stirred a lot of good conversation.

5.  Why a Best Place to Work.  2013 was a big award-winning year for my agency, and here's my hit on perhaps why.

4.  The Big C.  No pop culture moment hit be harder than the series finale of this amazing show.

3.  Only One Kind of Milk.  I spent a "milestone" birthday in Paris this year, and got a lesson in lattes.

2.  Social Media Icon at 50.  Me?  Are you kidding me?

1.  Make a Living Not  Killing.  By far my favorite post of the year, with inspiration coming from the most unlikely of places.

And .... one more for good luck:  My Personal Favorite Brand of the Year:  Shinola.

Happy New Year!  What's your experience?  JIM.