Sainsbury's 150th - Holiday Advertising

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Sainsbury's is one of the premiere retailers out of the UK, and this year it’s celebrating its 150th year anniversary. The retailer started out as family-owned, selling cheese, butter, and eggs. The company’s history is woven into that of the UK, and is now deeply immersed in the country’s pop culture with a growing portfolio.

You can read a little bit about it here. The history is rich. The story so fulfilling. Most brand’s would die to have such a authentic and robust tale!

To celebrate that history, its connection to the holidays, and to commemorate 150 years, the brand just released its annual holiday advert…giving us a hint at its humble beginnings and tremendous impact.

Evidently, that “sweep” went on to greatness as did this company. “Like all good stories, this one starts at the beginning.” Indeed!

Happy Holidays! And just a bit of a warning, I’ll be covering a lot more holiday adverts over the coming weeks. Just like I’ll start playing holiday music!

What’s your experience? JIM