"The Show Must Go On" by Amazon UK

Source: Unsplash.com

Source: Unsplash.com

Today is the day after the 2020 US Election and as predicted the results are still being tabulated, making for a very stressful week. It’s hard to think of much else, to be honest. Which is why I took great delight in seeing this new holiday advert from Amazon. Big extravagant holiday commercials are a UK tradition, and I have been waiting in eager anticipation for the start of the season. This one from Amazon in the UK kicks it all off, at least for me.

Appropriate for the season, inspiring for the season …

Determination. Community. Unity. Spirit.

Also, Amazon timed the launch of its Christmas Shop with this debut.

Given what we are going through this year, and even given the fact that the US Election has not been decided in this moment, I think the overall message is spot on. The show must go on. Back to work today, the show must go on.

Thank you, Amazon. We need this right now.

What’s your experience? JIM.

Jim JosephHoliday, AmazonComment