It's Friday - A Little Broadway Inspiration

Broadway in NYC may be closed but …


Friday? Wow, is it really Friday? TGIF just doesn’t seem to matter much in our CV19 world. It’s hard to even know what day of the week it is, let alone get excited that it’s Friday. But I am looking forward to rest my weary head over the weekend.

But…it IS Friday so I thought I’d end the week with a few videos that I saw this week that brought me some inspiration. Brought me some relief. Comfort. Made me smile and even shed a tear.

From Broadway.

First one is from the group called The Barricade Boys, who sing a Broadway song from a famous show where the lyrics have a much different meaning now:

Oh man, that ending! #ImNotCrying. #YoureCrying.

Then next up is Ben Platt and the cast from his Broadway Show, as shown on the James Cordon show. Also bringing new meaning to one of the classics from his character:


Now last but not least, a little something from Broadway’s Billy Porter (along with Broadway Queen Rosie):

Music unites us, we all can agree on that. And when I see these folks singing together from their homes, bringing us a little relief with their own work…it just makes me smile on a Friday after a very long week.

Breathe! What’s your experience? JIM